Monday, April 22, 2013

How To Install LAMP Server on Ubuntu

LAMP is an open source solution for creating a web server. LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySql and PHP.  A LAMP stack can be installed on almost any computer you may have lying around the house.  At first I struggled creating a LAMP server.  I installed each application one at a time.  I don't know about you, but installing Linux applications has never been a "walk in the park" for me. So, instead of a manual process I switched to an automated command line solution called tasksel.  This tutorial will show you how to quickly and easily install a LAMP server with the use of the tasksel command.

1.  Start Ubuntu and login.

2.  Open Up a terminal and issue the command sudo apt-get install tasksel

3.  After it finishes installing issue the command sudo tasksel.  Tasksel will run then generate a menu. Make sure LAMP is selected with an asterisk and then hit OK.

4.  When prompted, create a secure password for the MySQL database.

5.  After the installation is complete visit http://localhost/   If you see the words "It works!" like in the picture below, it appears your installation is a success.

Thursday, April 18, 2013