Tuesday, March 5, 2013

How To Install Gnome Classic on Ubuntu 12.10

I love Ubuntu.  I hate the new Unity desktop design.  It's awful.   I understand that it is important for operating systems to keep up with current trends, but I feel that the Unity desktop is awkward and clunky.  Every single time I install Ubuntu I need to re-install the classic GNOME desktop.  This tutorial shows a user how to install GNOME classic.

1.  Log into Ubuntu.  It may be necessary to first update Ubuntu.  You can do this by running
sudo apt-get update or using by using the Update Manager GUI.


2.  In the console issue the following command sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback

Take that! Crappy GUI...
4. Let Ubuntu run it's magic.  Once completed log out. At the login screen click the little foot icon and then select GNOME Classic. 

5.  Log into the normal Ubuntu desktop.

Sweet Success!

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